Should I Hire A Podcast Editor?

Tired of podcast editing

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Is it time to hire a podcast editor? 


Perhaps you’re like many podcasters facing one of the most common frustrations that can hold shows back. Podcasting is all about consistency, and you won’t release consistent episodes if you’re constantly getting hung up editing your own podcast. 

Today we will explore if it’s time to hire a podcast editor (hint, it is!) and the top reasons you should consider partnering with an agency to produce your show. No matter your size, scope, or reach, hiring a podcast editor is almost always the right decision!

Why You Should Outsource Your Podcast Editing

Expert Sound Quality

One of the most significant advantages of hiring an expert to edit your podcast is increased audio quality. Listeners are more likely to stay engaged and subscribe to a show that sounds professional and easy to listen to. Editors can work their magic to eliminate persistent background noise, adjust volume levels, and create a consistent listening experience throughout each episode. 

Save Time and Focus on What You Do Best 

You most likely didn’t start a podcast because you wanted to spend hours learning and fumbling through Pro Tools. When you outsource your editing and tap into the expertise of an audio engineer well-trained in creating elevated audio experiences, you can go back to what you do best! And as we already stated, it will sound better


As a podcaster, you wear many hats — the creative, the host, the marketer, and more. Editing doesn’t have to be one of them! Free up more time to dive deep into your topics, conduct insightful interviews, and engage with your audience, ultimately making your podcast even more exceptional. (If you want to remove other hats, check out Podcircle’s suite of services!)

Before you go! Download our Complete Podcast Starter Kit. 


It includes:


✅ Podcircle’s Essential Equipment Guide

✅ The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist

✅ Content Calendar Template formatted for Google Sheets

✅ Remote Interview Preparation Pack

✅ 8 Tips to Improve Your Interviews PDF

✅ Three Steps to Writing a Compelling Podcast Show Description

Release on Time

Publishing a podcast episode is an incredibly accomplished feeling. All your hard work pays off, and you can pat yourself on the back for completing the long list of tasks associated with releasing every episode. Then what? Well, you get right back to work and do it again. And again. And again. And again. And then what happens?


Well, life gets in the way. You get busy. You lose your enthusiasm. You get behind on recording new episodes. Your computer crashes while editing the episode that needs to go out tomorrow. You miss one release date and then another. And pretty soon, all your best intentions are out the window. Hiring a professional to handle the editing ensures your podcasts get out into the world on time! 


Maintain Consistency

Not only are show cadence and release consistency essential, but so are the segments and elements within your show. Listeners like to know what to expect when they listen to your show.


A podcast editor will help you maintain a consistent and templated style and tone throughout your episodes, reflecting your brand identity effortlessly. Whether it’s the perfect intro/outro music, seamless transitions, or sound effects, they’ll create a consistent brand experience.


Seamless Listening Experience 

Even the most seasoned podcasters make mistakes during recording, and these imperfections can deter listeners from returning. The common verbal tics we all use: “umm, like, you know, etc.” can be distracting. A podcast editor can edit out awkward pauses, verbal fumbles, cross talking, and other errors. This attention to detail helps maintain your show’s quality. See what an experience podcast editor can do for you. 👇


Should I hire an Agency or Contract a Freelance Editor? 

When you hire an editor, you may consider finding a freelance podcast editor on a site like Fiver or Upwork over exploring an ongoing partnership. We believe partnering with a dedicated team will pay dividends and help you produce the show you want and reach your goals faster. 


When you partner with an agency like Podcircle, we’re mutually invested in the success of your podcast. Several factors help Podcircle stand out above the competition.

Four Reasons to Partner with Podcircle

1. Expertise and Passion 

Our editors are experts with decades of combined experience. Many of them have a background in music production — we KNOW how to work with audio. This isn’t a side hustle. This is what we do every day.


2. We Offer MORE Than Just Podcast Editing  

With Podcircle, you don’t need to hire a podcast editor, a graphic designer, a video editor, a copywriter, etc., and manage all those moving parts of producing a quality podcast! We can handle all of that for you. And instead of having to wrangle a team of disconnected contractors, you can communicate with YOUR Podcircle account manager, who knows the ins and outs of your podcast.


3. Get More Value for Your Money

There’s a common misconception that working with an agency vs. a freelancer is cost-prohibitive. But our pricing isn’t much different, if at all. We have services starting at $65 for podcast editing and $25 for social media assets. Working with committed partners gives you a result you’ll be happy with and provides more value for your money! 


4. Partners Who Are Committed to Your Success

When you partner with Podcircle, you get access to our entire team of experts. From our editors to designers and writers, we handpick our team members from the best in the business! We function like a team!


Don’t just take it from us! 

A podcast editor can help take the headache out of podcasting! No podcast is too small, and no podcaster is too inexperienced to benefit from the value an expert editor can provide! 

We’d love to partner with you to take your show to the next level! We’ve been trusted by New York Times bestselling authors, Fortune 500’s, and EVERYONE in between. But the majority of our clients are people just like you. We are passionate about helping entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders, and go-getters with an idea and a voice get their message out with the most quality show possible!


Before you go! Download our Complete Podcast Starter Kit. 


It includes:


✅ Podcircle’s Essential Equipment Guide

✅ The Ultimate Podcast Launch Checklist

✅ Content Calendar Template formatted for Google Sheets

✅ Remote Interview Preparation Pack

✅ 8 Tips to Improve Your Interviews PDF

✅ Three Steps to Writing a Compelling Podcast Show Description


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