Our Top 10 Tips to Level Up Your Podcast

Two white men sitting across the table from each other and talking into microphones while wearing headphones

Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of information out there for podcasters. And it can feel extremely overwhelming to try to cut through all the noise and find the strategies that actually work. 

But if you’re looking for some quick, practical advice about how to take your podcast to the next level — or set your new podcast up for long-term success — then you’re in the right place! Today we’re breaking down our top 10 tips for podcasters of all experience levels.

Let’s jump right in: 

1. Be Consistent 


You’ve probably heard this advice from us before, but that’s because it’s just that important. If you want to build trust with your audience, you need to show up consistently with a reliable release schedule and quality content. And if that means releasing less episodes in order to set a schedule you can stick to, that’s completely OK. 


The goal here is to show your audience that you’re a trustworthy, authoritative voice they can count on. 


2. Play the Long Game

Podcasting is a slow burn, so make sure to keep your expectations in check. If you haven’t already defined what success looks like for your podcast, now is the time to set some goals. It takes time to grow a podcast audience, but you don’t have to have a chart-topping show to start experiencing benefits like stronger customer relationships and a new lead channel for your business. Think about what you hope to accomplish with your show, then develop content that supports those goals. 


3. Bet On Yourself


It’s normal to feel uncomfortable with self promotion, but chances are, your audience wants to hear it. If you have a product or service that will benefit your listeners, make sure to talk about it, whether in dedicated ad reads, as a call-to-action in your outro, or by bringing it up at natural points throughout your episodes. Self promotion is only off-putting if it doesn’t address your audience’s felt needs and pain points. 


4. Always Be Recording


Like it or not, video is the future of podcasting. So, even if you don’t have a video podcast yet, it’s a good idea to start recording your episodes. Not only will this serve as hands-on practice for when you’re ready to launch a video podcast someday, but you can use the content in the meantime for things like social media clips and other marketing assets (more on this in tip #5).

5. Work Smarter, Not Harder


You work incredibly hard on your podcast, so why not make sure you’re getting the absolute most out of the content you create? Your podcast doesn’t only have to live on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube. It can be a content marketing machine if you let it. Recycle your podcast content in as many forms as possible, including: 

  • Full-length video episodes

  • Blog copy

  • Email copy

  • Short videos for social media

  • Long and short-form content for LinkedIn


6. Don’t Try to Do it On Your Own


We probably don’t have to tell you that podcasts require a lot of work. You can’t do it all on your own, and even if you think you can, you probably shouldn’t. Outsource the parts of podcast production that you find difficult, boring, or just too time consuming. 


7. Provide a Clear Call to Action


When you consistently show up for your audience, they’ll show up for you, too! Don’t be afraid to ask your listeners to support your show by rating and reviewing, signing up for your email list, or engaging with you on social media. You may be surprised just how willing your audience is to support you, and you’ll never know until you try. 


8. Prioritize Quality


Did you know that audio quality is the number one reason people give for giving up on a podcast? Thankfully, you don’t need to break the bank to improve on this. Learn more about the microphone we recommend here.


9. Leverage Virtual Interviews


Virtual interviews can get a bad rap sometimes, but we think that’s usually undeserved. With platforms like Riverside, it’s easier than ever to record a high-quality virtual interview, saving yourself and your guests time and money in the process. 


10. Choose the Right Hosting Platform


A podcast hosting platform is more than just a mechanism for distributing your episodes. If you choose the right platform, it can be a powerful tool for helping you grow your show, sell your products and services, and reach new audiences. Check out our breakdown of the pros and cons of each of the 7 most popular hosting platforms here.


Partner with the Experts to Launch and Grow Your Podcast


There’s plenty you can do on your own to take your podcast to the next level. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work required, or you’re ready to outsource your weaknesses and make your show the best it can be, our team at Podcircle is here for you! 


Podcircle offers premium podcast services for busy professionals and creators, and we can assist you in every stage of your podcast creation and promotion. Our team will do what we do best, so you can focus on doing what you do best! 


Get started today by downloading our free podcast starter kit, which walks you through everything from choosing a hosting platform, to buying the right equipment, to recording your first episode. Then, schedule your free consultation to learn how we can work together.

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